Today I spent most of the afternoon and evening getting busy on the trailer. Since I don't get another day off for the next 12 days, I figured I'd better make the most of today. I got the rest of the old flooring out, the banana wraps off, the c-channel out, and I started cleaning up the frame to get ready for welding and application of POR-15. When the kids got out of school, my youngest son, Josh (Old Reliable), came out to give me a hand. He's such a help at 7 years old, I can't wait to see what kind of projects we can do together when he's 13 or 14.
I'm going to cut the frame off on both sides about 15 inches in from where it attached to the bumper. It looks like I'm going to have to fabricate this entire piece of the frame from new metal. It will be better than new when I'm done, and stronger too, as I plan to mount my spare tire on the bumper. The rest of the frame is in very good shape, however. I will have patch some holes that were cut in the frame where some PO ran plumbing, but other than that it's just a wire brush and POR-15. I'm going to have to talk to Frank about how he mounted his grey water tank and copy what he did, which means modifying the frame a little bit.
Don't worry Jenna. Daddy knows how to weld!
The ubiquitous "water heater replacement patch". At some point in the past the propane hot water heater was removed and a residential 10 gallon unit put in its place. Then the "craftsman" used sheet metal screws to attach a piece of aluminum to cover the hole. I'll have to decide what to do here once I decide what kind of hot water heater I'm going to use. Anybody have a TwinTemp unit they want to sell cheap?
Possible Headliner for 50 Ford Woody
2 weeks ago
The previous owner that put those holes in the frame,... his name was Wally. They just burned them right through wherever they were needed. I know it looks like an amature did it for they are so sloppy, but those are factory holes. I will email you with the tank information.
thanks Frank. When I saw those holes I thought there was no way it was a factory job.
why does you little one have the same look of horror as your wife did in the first post? are you sure your ladies are on board this project?
They're on board again as of last weekend when they toured Rob and Sig's trailer st the Pagent of bands Rally. That got them pretty excited.
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